Great Wall #1 @ Mutianyu

Finally I've been to see one section of the Great Wall, specificalli the sction of The great wall section of Mutianyu.
This section was built by the German under the Myng dinasty, around the 1400.
The part open to turist is about 3.3 Km.
Many picture... but it was very beautiful, althought the day was not so sunny.

Let's go up with the calbe way, looking the panorama and the wall.

Now we can start to go to one side of the Great Wall.

This words in the world appeard to be so far... remembre them.

This part you can see in this picture is one of the most difficult.

Here you can have an idea of the difference of altitude.

From there the wall continued so I went over.

This seemed to be the top, but was still continuend.

I arrived at the same altitude of the words on the mountiain and then went over.

The condition became worst and wort because only few part are maintened in a good way. Here the wall is being occupied by the forest.

It seems the wall is never ending... unfortunatly many people were waiting sfor me so I had to come back.

In this point I am almost at to, whil going down.

The small tower on the top of the hill is in the opposite part of the previos part. In that tower three section of the wall meet together, but to get ther we had to go down and then up.

Finally the tower!

The two other section of the wall arriving in this tower were not weel mantained.

And finally to go down the slideway...

... or the cableway?

I decided for the cableway... to many queue on the slideway, and less beutiful panorama.
Bye bye Great Wall @ Mutianyu!


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