Hong Kong #6


Last day in Hong Kong was not long, but I had enough time to take many pictures ok the Kowloon island.

The shopping centre 1881 is particularly nice: old buildings which have been renewed to make a mall but keeping the original style... except for some decorations.

From there I walked to the harbour, but unluckily there was fog and was cloudy.

Like in th US, als Hong Kong as a walk with the stars of cinema.

Going arount for the city, is always nice to see what people do and the way many things are done.

I had no time to visit the Museum od Science, but some picture they made outside were surpriesing.

In the following picture is possible to see the terracotta warriors which are painted on the stairs, but can be see only from far.

Other suprise was the 3D picture on the ground in the middle of a square. It was possible to clearly see it only from one of the corner.

From other corner was not possible to see anything.

And finally back to Shenzen to take the plane to Beijing.

Passing again for the doll and change bus.

In Shenzen as in many othe cities is surpising the high number of taxis... very difficult not to find one.