Macao #1

After Honk Kong, a tour to Macao was mandatory. The arrive was under the rain but luckily it stopped very soon and I could had a nice walk through the city.
Macao iv very different from Hong Kong, and also the impact is particular: there is the reconstruction of the Water Cube and of Chinese style building.

The city is very coloured, and these vehicles are just an example of what there is in city hystorical centre.

The style of the historic centre is european, as Macao was a Portuguese colony is quite normal. Many buildings have been renewed and have very nice colours.

In the Market is possible to see typical food.

A similarity with Hong Kong is the presence of temple in unexpected places, like the following one.

Going back to markets is possible to find a lot of fishes preserved in different ways and also preserved meat.

Being a Portuguese colony, the catholic religion is very diffused and there are also many churches. In the following pictures there is the main church and some pictures of the museum.

Un edificio storico molto particolare è la casa del mandarino, che è stata conservata molto bene.

Inside was possible to taste some teas with some experts.

The visit for the historical centre continued with a theatre and several churches.

On the stree is possible to tsee many paople seelling dry meat an dry fish and is also possiblo to taste it.

A particular monument is the St. Paul church: only the front is still "surviving".

A support is required to avoid it falls down.

The tour following in a park from where is possible to take a look of the city from the top.

This i a very particular hotel, for shape an colours. I took many pictures of it from different point of view.

Going on the top is hard... also for dogs!

From the hill the sunshine was wonderful.

Some part of the Formula 1 Grand Prix are still visible on the street.

And finally... back to the harbour to tak the boat to Hong Kong.

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