Taipei #3

The third day in Taipei was dedicated to a trip on a hill close to the centre that can be joined by a "Gondola", a cable way. Going there I saw an incinerator: also this was quite nice with fun decorations.

Close there is also the zoo and many fields, where they mainly coultivate tea.

The strange building in the middle of the street is a temple which is under the road.

Before taking the cablecar is possible to see some natural museums.

This is the starting point of the cable car.

Some cabin, like the one I choose, had the floor of glass!

When I arrived I had a long walg in the middle of the countryside where there were many tea houses and field of tea.

In the field I'v seen also many tombs.

During the way there were also some temples.

In one small temple was possible to see the room from very close.

On the way back I went also to the Tea Centre, a kind of museum of tea with some field and an exhibition.

Frm there I made almost all the way back by walk, also in the middle of the forest.

When I arrived to the last temple I visited it was already night, so I could not tak many pictures of the whole building.

When I came down, close to the starting point of the cable car, the wahse a show with coloured fountains.

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