Art District 798 #1

If you like art you have to go to the Art District 798. It is an old factory converted into art discritict. The area is really big and one day os noth enugh to visit all the galleries.

On many road you can find several sculptures, the following ones are only come (few) examples.

Another part is represented by the 751 area. Also this is an old facotry, and many thing are being mantained as the original ones.

One of the most interesting galleries is the following one, hosting artists from Cuba.

Bu unluckly there were also some strange installations... some quite complicated to be undertood.

Some very interesting, like the Thao made with mobile phones.

And this is me!

lso builing are interestig. The following one contained a North Korean posters exhibition.

This one is a gallery o photo.

Probably this is the "Panda" moment.

I had also the opportunity to see a dance exibition: I expected a short thing, instead it was quaite long and very beutiful. The thing thet you see in the scen is a man with 3 pair of arms: you recognizae it?

FInally a light installation of Spiderman!

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