The Bell Tower & the Drum Tower

Some interesting builings in Beijing are toweg. In a central area of Beijing there are two tower, one close to each other: the Bell tower and the Drum tower.
The Bell tower is a more simple buildigns and the name is related to the bell which is inside and was used to indicate time.

To go inside the tower you have very high steps.

The other one is the Drum tower, wich can be seen by the Bell tower. It is a building more in Chines style. Tha name has been given for the presence of 25 drum which are played several time during the day.

Also in this tower there are very high step.

Inside ther is an exposition of instruments used to measure the time, including special incenses or candels that indicated time while burning.

The drums represents the main attractions.

Also today is possible to see when they play the drums, 6 times per day. Unluckly the picture does not make feel the emotion you can feel listening to this exhibitions.

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