Imperial College

Close to the Confucius Temple there is the Imperial College.
The structure is similar to many other building and some particulars are really beutiful.

The main building is circundated by a round ditch, and is connected trough 4 bridges.

Also here the presence of Confucius is very important.

A particularity of this building is also the presence of many colums and stones also in black color.

The Imperial Collega was the plase where the Imperial examination was created. It was a selection methodo for official and lasted for many years. Nowadys its weakness are evident, but it seems that the western examination systems are originated based on this system that was prought to the west maily by priest in the 19th century.
This is how the school looked like.

Confucius Temple

Chines culture is gratly influence by Confucius, and a visit to the Confucius in very interested. Often we not know much about the influence ha had on the nowaydays culture.

The temple is similar, for, the architecture to many other. But ther is a much greater number of stanes, in this case dedicated to the greatest students.

Being a temple there is also a place to burn incensum.

I was thinking to have already seen one of the oldest trees, but I was wrong. This juniper is about 700 years old!
Compare the diameter to the person close to it.

Unfortunately not everything is well mantained and some statue were just put in a corner of the garden.

Several stones have been put also inside a building,like in a archive.

And in the middle there also some surprise like this statue!

Jinsang Park

Just behind the Forbidden city there is the Jingshang Park. Once this park was part of the forbidden city, but in recent years a road has been build dividing them in two separate area.
The park is quite small, it doaes not have a lake, but is characterized by a high hill whith 5 peaks from where you have a very beautiful view of the city, of course in non foggie days.

This is the big historical peony rose garden.

The following picture shows the pavillons over the peak of the hill and the surrounding landscape.

The pavillon are on the west-East axis and this image shows the direction.

The forbidden city seen from above is very nice.

Olimpic forest #1

Norther of the olimpic park, there is the olimpic forest. It is a very big part. The following pictures have been taken in the southern part of it.

Going over a hil is it possible to look in the direction of the city centre and is locate perfectly at north of Tienanmen square.

Some trees are already changing color, from green to red. In autums parks will have a very beautifu aspect.

To better look at the environmet, which here is alway artificial, the have built also an underground corridor to see into the water.

These are ezamples of waht you can see from the classes on both the sides of the corridor.