1st October 2012 in Tienanmen

THe 1st of octobe is a nationl celebration in China, so I tried to go to Tienanmen Square, one of the place where people coming from other part of China goes.

The square is strictly controlled by polyceman, which are massively present everywhere.

And everythign is keep clean, also the road.

I knew it would have been crowd of people, but being here it was interesting to go and have a look. The following picture are in the neighboroods of the square.

Altought it was already late morning, preparatory works were still ongoing. The installation of the following pictures was in the middle of the square.

Like the other part of the city everything was decorated.

Making a tour round the place I have also seen the change of the military guard.

And finally I could not avoid to go in front of the Forbidden City.

Last pictures are dedicate to some people around in the place... look at the flag!

And someone knows this person?

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