Tea street

China is famous also for tea. Almost everybody know green and black te, but in reality there are also many other kind of tea. In the south-west part of Beijing there is a street complitely dedicate do tea, called, of course, the Tea Street.
You can find everything is related to tea: tea (of course), tea sets, tables for tea, biscuits and other sweets to eat while drinking tea...

As is very "precious", there is also a place to buy/sell tea with real time quotetions. Unfortunately when I was there the market was closed.

This are some special tables that can be used to prepare/drink tea.

In the following picture only some examples of tea.

And finakky a tea tasting. There you can discover that some kind of tea are like wine, the more they are old the more they taste good.
We tasted also a black tea of 30 years!

And something also for who likes "aesthetics": some teas are prepared in small ball with flowers that open when they are inside water!
Really surprising!

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