Beihai Park

Beihai Park is the biggest park in the Centre of Beijing. Most of the surface is covered by a lake, but going around there are many nice building and attractions.

As in many parks it's easy to find people singing and dancing.

THis building is on the highest part of the park and is visible also from far away.

From here is also possible to see the highes pagoda of the Jingsang Park, behind the forbidden city.

In front of the white building, wich was reconstructed several time due to hearthquakes, there is a smoller interesting temple.

Some roofs are very particular in these building with geometric designs.

Spaces to pray are not represente anly by classical building, but also by some artificial caves with statue inside.

In the park there is also a big cave with the god related to alla the years.

This is the statue for 1980, but people born in January could be of the previous year. This is related to the fact that chinese calendar is linked to the moon... but this is another history...

Some mandarin duck were in the lake and the picture can0t show how nice they are!

And to finish, the nine dragon wall: a wall with 9 dragons in each side. Wanderful!

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