Taipei #2

The city of Taipei is very coloured and is nice to see how they to make everything more beutiful, like this pillars under the subway.

Anyway the city is a big city and so there are many infrastructures, like roads.

The city centre is crossed by a river and is possible to have walk alog it from outside the city, either by bike or walking.

Also in the wall around the bicicle pathway there are many draws.

The wals along the river is separated from the road by a wall and sometimes there are entry point like the following one.

In some part ther are close to the river is quite big and so indications are needed.

Onw of the nost surprising things in Taipei are the roof of the temple... simpy wanderful!

And temples usually are very rich of colours and decorations.

Another particular thing of Taipei are night markets. These markets are closed during day and open during evening until late night.

I the centre of the city there are also some cgristian churches.

Moreover it is quite stange how it is possible to se very big and large roads...

are very small ones!

Bycicle and motoryke are very common and there are also many bicicles that can be rented.

And finally Taipey 101: the highest building in Taipey with 101 floors.

This parking only for motorcycles gives an idea of how many people uses motorbykes in this city.

In the city centre there are many garden.

Much space is reserved for pedestrian and bycicles.

One of the first monument I've seen is the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. Sun Yat-sen was the first president and founding father of the Republic of China.

Inside was possible to see the chang of the military guard, which was really beautiful.

Inside the memorial there are several exhibition, which can be seen in the following pictures.

The following picture are of the main road arriving to the presidential palace.

Also police uses a lot motorbykes.

Another isteresting is the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, which is surrounded by a quite big park. Chiang Kai-shek was the former President of the Republic of China

Inside the memorial there is a museum with many object reconstructin the hystory of Chiang Kai-shek.

Very close there is Memorial Hall Square, with the National Concert Hall and the National Theater, which can be seen in the following pictures.

Also in the middle of the roads is possible to see traditional buildings.

An finally the Presidential building.

Another interesting monument is the Naional museum, which I saw very quickly.

An finally, a place preparing tratidional food shouwing all the journal speaking of this shop.

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