Taipei #4

Fourth day in Taipei, still quite cloudy, but not enough rain to stop me. Again a wolt in some hills in the centre of Taipei. Starting poit: a big lake.

This is one of the starting poik for the walk to the top of the hill.

Panoramic point were indicated by these stones.

Some mandscape were wery surprising.

Altought in this days there was noone, usually there are many people going there also to make gym.

Continuing the wolk I found also some banan trees.

Coming down from the hill I tak a look of the lake.

Around there were several birds.

This is the the entrance of the path I used to climb the second hill.

In some trees peopl ou his "wishes".

Coming back when I took the subway I noticed that in the subway there is part of the platform reserved for women at night.

In the afternoon anothere temple...

... and the the National palace. Unluckly I had few time and I0ve seen it only from outside.

Finally some other building and the botanic garden.


Parking for motorcicles are quite common.

But the day was not yet finished... and I want also to the Timsi Fisherman's Warf.

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