Temple of Heaven

Temple of Heaven and the sourraunding park are a very beutiful location to spend a day or more. In one day you will probably not have the time to visit evething, as in my case.
Althought this is called a temple, now is no more in use.

Entering the temple you can see, naybe, an area crowd of peole. If you are courious you can go there to see what all these people are doing.

Some for example are doing massages of feet.

But other are parents looking for a boyfriend for their son. They also asked to me if I was interested in having a look in some posts.

Continuaing you can star seeing the something differnt... the tempble, composed by several buildings.

This is is the echo wall... if you try to shout close to the wall you can have a goo echo of your voice, but only when there are not too many people.

The suraaunding par is very big and you can see verry old and beutiful trees. Here some examples.

This one is a juniper of more than 500 years.

Moreover it is possible to meet many people playing instruments or singing. Also this is very nice!

Finally, after a long day nothing better than staying on the grass!

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