Hong Kong #3

A nice attraction in Hong Kong is a statue of a Big Buddha high more than 30 m, locate in the Lantau island. When you arrive in the area is possible to see the direction and the distance from many cities.

Althought some panel were forbidding access to dog... manys seemed not to pay attention to that.

To join th statu there is a quite long stair.

And from there is possbile to see the main monastru wich is being renewed-

Under the buddha there is a museum and a place to pray for died people.

The area is quite windy.

From the center of this circle, where a person is standing, there is particular echo, that's why many people goes there and shout.

For the building where thery are carryng on many works is possiblo to give money, and is possible also to selects for which part of the temple give founding.

It is not so evident but in the following picture ther is a monach palyng a bell with a wood with th the shape of a dragon.

Having a wals from there is possoble to see some old buildings... and see that nature wins over mans contructions...

After 15 minutes walks is located a series of pillar of wood with the sahpe of a "8", wich is a good number in buddism.

Many trekking path have been traced in the area.

Before movig to the airport I stopped to look at a family of dog... they were very very nice!

And the last picture is for the deposit of the pieces used to build the monastry.

Hong Kong #2

The second day in Hong Kong is dedicated again to the discovery of the Hong Kong Islan, but trying to reach a panoramic point on view to see the city from the high.

The best way to go to the panoramic point of view is possible to take a tram, and to reach it I visited other part f the city.

Not far from the tram there is a nice park with severl fountains and small lakes.

Going inside the is a conservatory where is possible to see many plants.

In the lake of this picture there is something not so natural close to the lakes.

The park is also a place for celebrating weddings.

I've taken the first panoramic pictures from this tower, but from there is possible to se only some buildings.

This park host also many birds. For sure they are not free, and they ar not in a real natural context, but this place is not so bad and is  good way to make people appreciate and know nature.

Probably birds are used to the presence of men because is possible to go very close.

This is a parte or the railway used by the tram... but before taking it the tour continue looking some churches.

In the parking outside of the church there was also this car...

And finally leaving with the tram!

The picture can0t make really understand the slope... but it is very high!

These are some pictures taken from the top.

And this is to prove that I was really there...

This is the top of the mountain from where I started for some walks.

This strang building is the one from the top of which I have taken som pictures.

And then I started to have some walks.

First I went to the Queen Victoria gardens.

THen I went to the peak and started for a ring tour around a hill.

And finally went dwn to a lake.

It was quite a long walk...

Last visit of the day: University of Hong Kong for a lecture!