Shanghai #3

Also in the third day I visited some parks.

Being sunday there are many paople going to parks to look for boyfriend. All the sheets in the picture are posts of boys and girls looking for relationships.

And there are alsomany people doing thai-chi.

With the sobway is possible to arrive also outside the city and I went to see some places more far from the centre.

In many places there are new buildings and many buildings are still under ocnstruction.

Most of new houses are second houses and owner are rich paople, thats why there are also fountains and beautiful decorations.

Althought some buildings seems already completed...

... looking over is possible to see that everything is not finished.

Bike sharing is very common in Shanghai, and also out the centre there are many bycicles.

A place which is nice to se is a market where to finde many things, but mostly food.

Stinky tofu, charchteristic for its strong smell, is quite easy to find.

In the middle of the market there is a channel with some characteristic boats that can bring visitors for a short ride.

Also sugar cane juice is very common. But in the streets is possible to find any chines traditional food.

GOing more far is possble to see people toasting cereals.

The market continue also in a les renewed area.

In this part there are also some teples that have been renewed or are being renewed.

Also a Chrstian churc can be seen in this part of the city.

Going back to the centre, in a park, I found many young boys and girls dressed in differnt ways for a carnival party.

Another interesting part of the city is the french one, charachteristic for its buildings in french style.

In parks it is alway strange the contrast between the green of the grass and the high building.

And grass is not always the same... here is possible to see 3 different type of grass.

And, finally, going back to place for finding relationships, is surprising the number of people that meet there!

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