Museum of natural sciences

The Museum of Natural Sciences is quite interesting, althought very few indications are in English... but for sure the following images will make understand the variety of things is possible to see in the different sections of the museum.

The following pictures will show many animals that visitors can see in the museum. As are quite common animal a description is not necessary for every pictures.

The museum is quite new and thy used also new technologies to attract the attention of the visitors, like fo show 3D dinosaurs.

Not only animals... a section is dedicated also to plants and is possible to see also fossils flowers, discovering that China was the first place where these kind of fossils have been found.

Often to show the animal in their natural context they have reconstructed a natural environment.

Animal in the museum ar not only from China: in this case, for example, there are animals from Africa.

Being in Chona Panda could not be missing!

Birds have been placed also over some trees and was possible to listen to their music.

A pcture of Charls Darwin could not be missing.

In the uderground floor there is asection related to fish wich is quite rich, considering that the museum is not an aquarium.

The red fishes of the following picture were very nice, and picture can't give the same feeling as being there.

The last sections was related to human body. Althought interesting, is not suggested for all people, that's also why I avoid to put many pictures of that part.

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