Meditations #3

In the South-western part of the city there is another taoist temple. The day we west there was rainy but was possibile to visit it.

The structure is the traditional one of most of Beijing's temple, but n this case there are manu court and many different building. Often bulding are quite small, but the number is very high, compared ot the surface of all the temple.

In many places there is the tao symbol.

A wall shows the representation of the 12 years of the chinese calendar.

The part of the temple on the opposite of the entrance is quite different from the rest of the temple.

Under some building there are also some galleries to burn wood and make the building more hot in winter.

Some incense burner are also coloured.

Finally a particularity of the temple: there are three monkeys hidden in differnt parts, that, if touched by students, can give good luck. The following picture show the most famous one, and the difference of color between the stone and the monkey make understand how many times it has been touched.

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