Shanghai #1

This post is the first of a small tour outside Beijing. Forst destination: Shanghai with the fast train: 5 hours for 1300 km.
The arrival at railway station makes immediatly understand how will be the journey.

Like in an airport passengers have to go to a gate and only people with the ticket can go to the platform.

The train in bigger than the average of the european train: 5 seats in second class instead of 4, and are quite comfortable.

During the jurney is possible to see quite different landscapes... also if always very fast.

The speed of the train is indicated on a panel, and often is over 300 km/h.

The arrival in Shanghai was surprising. The colonial spirti of the city is visible in many place in the centre. This is the area where i had an accomodation for some nights.

What is surprising are also the new building, usually skyscreapers.

Like in Beijing there are many parks, which are always well mantained.

Also food and beverages can be fund in many streets.

One of the most beutiful attractions of Shanghai is the Bund. On one sid is possible to see many old colonial building, often owned by banks. On the other side there are many new building, some of wich also under construction.

This is the new part, representic the core of the economy of Shanghai.

Is possible also to take a tour on the river using old characteristics boats.

The view change as the sun is shining. The following picture shows the view as sun is shining and artificial light are turned on.

Lights used to illuminate bilding often offer nice seesight of buildings and streets.

The core of the centre is represented by a pedestrian street where is possible to see also many sculpture.

At the end of the stree there is the following building. In the following posts I will show also some picture of the interior of the building.

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