Great Wall #2 @ Huangua

Second trip to great wall: this thime is at Huangua, a place where the great wall if famuous for crossim some lakes.
As usual, the wall it is visible already from quite far.

Once arrived you can find many shop and restaurant preparing food, including meet.

In this section of the wall not everything havee been restructured.

And the presecence of men is quite evident because an artificial basin has been constructued.

Altought not in a perfect state is possible to see the wall for a very long distance.

In a point the wall is disappearing into the lake.In some following pictures we will arrive there.

The park close to the lake is very beautiful also because of the season: being autums leaves have a very nice colour.

Here we are in the place where the wall disappear into the lake.

And now we start going up the wall.

Going up the landscape is more and more beautiful.

This is the top of the building at the maximum height we have reached.

And now we started to go back.

Some paople were also on the braoken part of the wall.

And finally a transport veicle which was very common in the area we visited.

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