National Museum #1

THe National Museum of China is a very big museum with permanent and temporary exhibitions. One day is not enogh to see it also because after a few hour visitor can't continue the visit with enogh attention.

The undergroud floor shows ancient China and all the chinese dinasties.

Another part of the museum , anothe permanent exhibition, is related to the renjuvention of China, shouwing the hystory mainly form the XXth century.

This is the reconstruction of the location wher party has started.

Before creating the new flag, in 1949, many prototypes wer made, some of which also very nice.

A part shws also all whats' happening in recent years, after Mao's death. Below is possible to see the reconstrution of the train to Lasha.

--- and me trying to drive it!

The other exhibitions of the museum can be quite differnt. the following pictures shows some african sculptures.

Another exhibition was showing diving archeology and the object which have been found in the bottom of the sea.

A parte was also for italian art, but for example the statue of Michelangelo was a bit "deformed".

Vace and other cercamics occupy another part of the museum.

Painting are present in both permanent and temporary expositions.

Also in the corridors is possble to see scupltures, ecc.

A last section (for the day) was dedicated to coin, which in ancient time had also very strgange shapes.

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