Hong Kong #1

To go to Hong Kong there are different possibilities. One economic way to go there from mainland China is go to Sehnzhen and then take a bus to Hong Kong. First stop: the doll. Many paople make the choice to to arrive by bus.

Being an island, to arrive to Hong Kong visitors must cross a bridge from wich is possible to see aquaculture plants.

After that what is surprising is the harbour: from the pictures can appear small, but in reality is very very big.

The quantity is container is huge and ther are many machine used to move them and put in/out of the cargo ships.

Arrived in the city centre the number of taxi and buses is surprising. Taxi are all the same typology of car and have different colors in the different areas of Hong Kong.

On the street is possible to find some vendors but also some "moving" temples where people can go to pray. Late in the night this temples disappears.

The centre is crowded of skyscrapers of different typologies, but always very high. As the space is not so much they had the develop the city in heigh.

The day I arrived it was carnival and so many people were on the street.

The traffic is intense especally in the evening and the number of buses is very high.

Many people were also camping on the street and in some parks.

To have a better view of the city a good option is to go have a walk on border of the island.

From here is possible to see buildings from a different perspective and the viewshed is wider.

In many place there are work on the street and are well signaled.

Moreover, indications on the street suggest foreign people where to look when crossing a street. This is very important as car drive in the opposite side of the street respect to mosto of the other countries.

Having a walk is possible to see also plces to do sport, in this case a open air swimming pool.

From here is visible the southern part of the Kowloon island. Also this part is charachterized by many high buildings.

Many firemen stations are distributed along all the city. This allow to arrive very fast in every place there is a fire.

Among all the monument, the following one is particularly important becaus celebrates the return of Hong Kong to China from Great Britain.

The harbour is anothe nice place, and surprisingly quiet in the evening compared to the street not far from there.

Not far from there is possible to take some escaletors to go to the highest part of the Hong Kong island centre. It is a series of escalator that last for many hundreds meters and allow to rise a height of more than 300 meters.

In the middle there are many shops, restaurants and also a Mosquee.

The escalator is one way only so to go down I walked and is impressive the network of roads and pedestrian streets that cross in different levels.

In the city is quite suprising also the number of churches.

The quiet of the night is broken in the area of the bars, where many people are concentrated, and being the day of carnival many paople are also dancing on the street.

In the night, in late hours, buses and private cars are always less and remains almost only taxi.

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